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Akon Completely Loses It (update: video is back)

Akon completely lost his rag in a concert he gave in Trinidad last Thursday night. He dry humped a fourteen year old girl on stage like a rabbit on crack, as well as conned ladies into dancing like video ho’s onstage for a pretend trip to Africa.

Coming from the man who sings Smack That, I am not surprised:

From the Trinidad Express:

International superstar Akon lived up to his name as he conned seven ladies into dancing onstage during his performance on Thursday night at the Zen nightclub in Port of Spain.

The star from Senegal managed to convince the ladies, who made their way onstage, that they were taking part in a global contest and that they could earn a fabulous grand prize trip to Africa if they won.

The competition was then filmed by Akon’s crew and later revealed to be a mere sham for the entertainment of the audience present, and an even greater potential global audience, as he promised to upload the footage onto the popular Internet video website

Later on, Akon would have his way with the petite young lady (who won the contest): turning, twisting and even flipping her body, while mimicking sexual positions and acts all over the stage for three consecutive rounds.

His DJ, Virgin Islands native Benny D, even joined in during the second round and together they sandwiched the young lady on the floor of the stage. In the end, Akon declared himself the winner, even though the crowd adjudged that his female volunteer had won the contest.

This clip is completely messed up– I can’t think of any other words that come to mind. And what’s the poor girl to do–there isn’t any penetration so it isn’t exactly sex, but aren’t there any laws out there against dry humping a minor in a bad rapper threesome or anything?

It is absolutely shocking that a teenager can go out dressed like a five dollar hooker, be let in a club (where they probably served alcohol) and star in an amateur porno for Akon’s amusement and publicity purposes. That shit wasn’t sexy or right–it was completely degrading.

Akon is allowed to sing whatever crap songs he wants and teenagers are still going to buy it, unfortunately. There are a lot of impressionable girls out there who aspire to writhe next to Akon in his videos, instead of getting a proper job where you don’t have to wear clear heels to feel your best. It’s sad–I know teenagers nowadays learn about sex quite early on, but they don’t need any further encouragement from idiots like these.

Picture Note by Celebitchy: Header image is from, where Akon says his comment about having multiple wives like his dad back in Senegal was blown out of proportion.
